- Timothy Blanc, Hermann Wätzig, Cari Sänger - van de Griend
Peak Integration of Electropherograms in GMP and Research Labs: Navigating Increased Scrutiny Amid Data Integrity Audits and Inspections
- Ewoud van Tricht, Cari E. Sänger - van de Griend
A Practical Approach to Implementing ICH Q14: Tools for Analytical Quality by Design in Capillary Electrophoresis Method Development
Electrophoresis 46 (2025), https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.8110
- Finja Krebs, Holger Zagst, Matthias Stein, Ratih Ratih, Robert Minkner, Mais Olabi, Sophie Hartung, Christin Scheller, Blanca H Lapizco‐Encinas, Cari Sänger‐van de Griend, Carlos D García, Hermann Wätzig
Strategies for capillary electrophoresis: Method development and validation for pharmaceutical and biological applications—Updated and completely revised edition
Electrophoresis 44 (2023) 1279 – 1341, https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.202300158
- Debbie van der Burg, Leila Josefsson, Åsa Emmer, Cari Sänger – van de Griend
Recent capillary electrophoresis applications for upstream and downstream biopharmaceutical process monitoring
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 160 (2023) 116975, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2023.116975
- Cari E. Sänger - van de Griend
CE-SDS method development, validation and best practice - an overview
Electrophoresis 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.201900094
- Ewoud van Tricht, Lars Geurink and Cari E Sänger - van de Griend
Capillary electrophoresis in the pharmaceutical industry, in: Capillary electrophoresis in the early twenty-first century: new trends and relevant applications, Eds: Oscar Núñez, Xavier Subirats, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2019
- Cari Sänger - van de Griend
Why use capillary electrophoresis?
Webinar Analytical Scientist, 30 Aug 2018
- Cari E Sänger – van de Griend and Ann Van Schepdael
Method development and validation of capillary electromigration methods, Chapter 10 in; Handbooks of Separation Science: Capillary Electromigration Separation Methods, Ed: Colin Poole, Elsevier, 2018
- Cari Sänger - van de Griend
Analytical QbD method development for a CZE method for quantifying virus particles
LC-GC webinar 16 April 2018
- Tim Blanc and Cari Sänger - van de Griend
CEPharm 2017 troubleshooting workshop report - CZE and CE-SDS the discussion continues
CASSS, April 2018
- Cari E Sänger – van de Griend
The application of CE in the (bio)pharmaceutical industry, Chapter 21 in: Flow and Electrophoretic Analysis, Eds: Marek Trojanowicz, Pawel Koscielniak, Nova Science Publishers, Inc
- Henry Luo, Tim Blanc and Cari Sänger – van de Griend
CEPharm 2016 troubleshooting workshop report – cIEF and materials for CZE
CASSS, March 2017
- Sarah Kennett, Hermann Wätzig, Cari Sänger – van de Griend
CEPharm 2015 Invalid rates workshop report
CASSS, July 2016
- Henry Luo, Tim Blanc and Cari Sänger – van de Griend
CEPharm 2015 troubleshooting workshop report
CASSS, June 2016
- Sami El Deeb, Hermann Wätzig, Deia Abd El-Hady, Hassan M. Albishri, Cari Sänger-van de Griend, Gerhard K. E. Scriba
Recent advances in capillary electrophoretic migration techniques for pharmaceutical analysis (2013 – 2015)
Electrophoresis 37 (2016) 1591 – 1608
- Cari Sänger – van de Griend
Beyond the Champions League
The Analytical Scientist, Feb 2015
- Michael C. Breadmore and Cari E. Sänger – van de Griend
In-Capillary sample concentration in CE – “This is my analyte, how do I stack?”
LC-GC North America 32 (2014) 174 – 186
- Sami El Deeb, Hermann Wätzig, Deia Abd El-Hady, Hassan M. Albishri, Cari Sänger-van de Griend, Gerhard K. E. Scriba
Recent advances in capillary electrophoretic migration techniques for pharmaceutical analysis
Electrophoresis 35 (2014) 170 – 189
- Cari E Sänger - van de Griend, Y Hedeland, C Pettersson
Capillary Electrophoresis: an attractive technique for chiral separations
Chromatography Today, June 2013, 32 – 37
- Cari Sänger - van de Griend
CE Solutions
- Why CE?
- Method development in CE - Selecting your background electrolyte
- The CE capillary
- Capillary conditioning - the foundation of precision in CE
- Injection precision and sensitivity
- Detection in capillary electrophoresis
- Troubleshooting - the basics
- Cari Sänger – van de Griend
Revival of Capillary Electrophoretic Techniques in the Pharmaceutical Industry
LC-GC North America 30 (2012) 954 – 971
- Cari Sänger – van de Griend and Pim Muijselaar
Foreword in: High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis, a primer, by H.H. Lauer and G.P. Rozing, Agilent Technologies, 2009
- Cari E. Sänger – van de Griend
General considerations to improve performance of CE methods
In: Capillary electrophoresis methods for pharmaceutical analysis, Elsevier, ed. M.I. Jimidar, S. Ahuja, Volume 9, Separation Science and Technology, 2008
- Kevin Altria, Alex Marsh, Cari Sänger – van de Griend
Capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of small molecule pharmaceuticals
Electrophoresis 27 (2006) 2263 – 2282
- Silke Klick, Pim G. Muijselaar, Joop Waterval, Thomas Eichinger, Christian Korn, Thijs G. Gerding, Alexander J. Debets, Cari E. Sänger – van de Griend, Cas van den Beld, Govert W. Somsen and Gerhardus J. de Jong
Towards a Generic Approach for Stress Testing on Drug Substances and Drug Products: A Feasibility Study
Pharmaceutical Technology (Feb 2005) 48 – 66
- H.A.M. Voorbij, P.G. Muijselaar en C.E. Sänger-van de Griend
Ontwikkelingen in de capillaire elektroforese
Ned. Tijdschr. Clin. Chem. 25 (2000) 250 – 254
- Cari Sänger – van de Griend
Enantiomeric separations with capillary electrophoresis
Validation in capillary electrophoresis course, 1996, Dept. of Chemistry, University of York